Treatments and Modalities
Patients are analyzed not only in terms of which meridians are blocked, but also according to which muscle groups, or internal organs are involved. Assessing the radial artery through palpation, looking at the patient's tongue, and interpreting signs form other areas of the body can give a wealth of information. Once the complete underlying framework is understood, an acupuncture treatment plan can be devised to address both the main symptoms and their causes. This may include acupuncture, electro-stim, cupping, liniments, and Chinese herbs. Often stretches and exercises are recommended.
Modern studies have confirmed that acupuncture stimulates and activates the hypothalamus, resulting in a broad spectrum of systemic effects. In particular, the release of endorphins and opiate- like compounds that reduce and stop pain. Micro-traumas caused by needling dissipate fibrous tissue and initiate delivery of platelet-derived growth factor, helping to restore circulation and repair damaged tissue.
Acupuncture History
Acupuncture points are the end product of millions of detailed observations. Through empirical experience, the use of specific points on the skin were shown to be of value in particular diseases. As this system grew each point was given a name and Chinese character, depending on its therapeutic properties.The first clear reference to the points and channels appears in the Nei Ching Su Wen, which defines the main channels and acupuncture points.
The Nei Ching Su Wen also makes the observation, “in pain, puncture the tender spot”. The use of painful points probably represents the original method by which many of the acupuncture points were discovered.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Modern studies have confirmed that acupuncture stimulates and activates the hypothalamus, resulting in a broad spectrum of systemic effects. In particular, the release of endorphins and opiate- like compounds that reduce and stop pain. Micro-traumas caused by needling dissipate fibrous tissue and initiate delivery of platelet-derived growth factor, helping to restore circulation and repair damaged tissue.
The ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy behind all bodily processes and called this energy chi. Meridians act as conduits for chi and like blood vessels cover the entire body. By activating specific points along these energetic pathways, proper functioning of all of the body’s structures can be achieved.
Acu-massage: Joseph was certified as a massage therapist in 1992. Although his initial training focused on Swedish style massage, he gained expertise in Asian techniques while pursuing his Acupuncture Degree. Joseph’s Acupuncture sessions seamlessly integrate a variety of Swedish and Eastern massage techniques.
For centuries, human touch has been shown to be emotionally and physically healing. When a practitioner massages soft tissue, electrical signals are transmitted both to the local area and throughout the body.
These signals, in combination with the healing properties of touch, help heal damaged muscle, stimulate circulation, clear waste products via the lymphatic system, boost the activity of the immune system, reduce pain and tension, and induce a calming effect.
Massage may also enhance well-being by stimulating the release of endorphins (natural painkillers and mood elevators) and reducing levels of stress hormones.
Cupping unblocks stagnation, releases toxins, activates the lymphatic system, and realigns chi. Cupping is very effective for colds/flu and muscle pain. Slight bruising or swelling is generally minor, and goes away within a few days. Cupping is a method of treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine that involves heating the air inside a cup, and placing the inverted cup on various parts of the body. A vacuum is created, which pulls the skin upward.
Electro-acupuncture involves the application of a low-level pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles. This technology was developed in China and is described in most comprehensive acupuncture texts. Needles are inserted at acupuncture points, and an electrode is attached to each needle to provide gentle stimulation.
Electro-acupuncture treatments are particularly helpful in treating: chronic pain, spasm, paralysis, and as a complement to facial rejuvenation.