live a healthier, pain-free life!
You are likely visiting this site because you’re interested in improving your health. If so, Elise can help you to live a healthier, pain-free life.
Elise has successfully treated people just like you: people with acute and chronic pain, allergies, serious internal conditions, migraines and stress-related disorders.
Elise has also treated many healthy people who are suffering from a sports-related injury, or simply need a wellness tune-up.
The ability to address acute symptoms, provide long-term treatment solutions, and help patients integrate healthier regimens, forms the foundation from which which Elise approaches your care. Wellness is not an ideal to be achieved but rather a natural way of being!
Elise Adams specializes in family and internal Chinese medicine, acute and chronic pain, women’s health, pain management, rehabilitative medicine, disease prevention, oncology support, and rejuvenation therapies.
Partners in Your Healing
There is no greater force for change than people inspired to live a better life. The power to change your life lies in the simplest of steps.
Give us a call–we look forward to partnering with you to improve your health.

(415) 306-4590
712 D Street, Suite k
San Rafael, CA 94901